Grants Available for Small Businesses to Export Goods
Business Oregon’s global team is busy reviewing more than 70 applications for grants that support export promotion. Those grants have been submitted through the new online system, available from the program page linked here.
Applying for export grants has become easier and the review and approval process has been streamlined to provide better service for applicants.
The team is currently coordinating a trip to the Singapore Airshow in February 6-11, Asia’s largest aerospace and defense show. Four Oregon companies will be participating in the booth: Advanced Navigation & Positioning Corporation (ANPC), Columbia Helicopters, Radio Hill, and Sightline Applications.
Business Oregon is also recruiting companies to participate in the 2018 IWA OutdoorClassics show, one of the top Outdoor Gear and Security/Defense trade shows in the world and the largest in Europe. Serving as a global marketplace, the show is a networking powerhouse for the world in this industry segment.
In the next few weeks, Business Oregon will be signing up companies to participate in Outdoor Friedrichshafen, the leading international trade show for outdoor and apparel industries providing companies with the opportunity to meet potential distributors, wholesalers, and retailers of outdoor gear products. A list of these and other upcoming shows can be found on Business Oregon’s website.
If you’d like to be notified of upcoming opportunities for exports, sign up here .