
Advocacy in Oregon

Economic Development in Oregon is a team sport. As we work together to help grow our communities and our economy, advocating for smart, strong policies to create a healthy business environment is a piece of this.

As Economic Development professionals we have a unique opportunity to support both private business and our communities. We see our role as working to inform both on how economies, business and government can all work together to create the best possible outcomes. It is the goal of all of us to help build the economic strength and sustainability of our communities, where our youth can live, work and prosper.

How We Can Help

To help sustain this effort, we need you to help by getting involved. If you are not already, become a part of the monthly Government Affairs Call (GAC), conducted by our partners at Tonkon Torp, LLP. Let OEDA be your voice, as a statewide organization, tell us what is helping or creating hurdles in your community.

Email to request access to the monthly GAC and get involved.