At the June 7, 2017 OEDA Board meeting, the OEDA Board voted in favor of finalizing the merger between the two organizations. AORA voted on this matter in the fall of 2016. The merger will be finalized in July 2017 and we are now invoicing for FY 2017/2018 membership for the merged organization.
OEDA members will see an invoice for renewal under the current OEDA fee structure. We are making no changes to OEDA membership fees.
Moving AORA members to the OEDA membership fee structure and Urban Renewal Committee membership will be a little complicated this first year. Below are instructions to help navigate the membership renewal process. If you are an AORA Agency member, please locate the size of your community in the fee structure table below. That number will formulate the basis of your OEDA membership fee. If your community already has an OEDA membership you will not have to pay an OEDA membership fee for both your UR Agency and for your city. You will pay one OEDA membership fee and the Urban Renewal Committee fee. If you are an urban renewal consultant member, you will pay the entry level OEDA membership plus the entry level Urban Renewal Committee fee.
We understand that additional follow-up communication this first year may be needed, so please reach out to Past AORA President, Kristin Retherford at kretherford@cityofsalem.net, if you need any clarification.
Membership Payment Instructions
- If you are currently an OEDA member but not also an AORA member AND do not want to participate on the Urban Renewal Committee, your fee will be the standard OEDA membership fee.
- If you are currently an OEDA member but not an AORA member AND do want to participate on the Urban Renewal Committee because your community either has an urban renewal area or you are thinking of creating one, your fee will be the standard OEDA membership fee PLUS the Urban Renewal Committee membership fee, as outlined below.
- If you are currently a member of both OEDA and AORA, your fee will be the standard OEDA membership fee PLUS the Urban Renewal Committee membership fee, as outlined below.
- If you are currently an AORA member but not also an OEDA member, your fee will be the standard OEDA membership fee PLUS the Urban Renewal Committee membership fee, as outlined below.
- If you are currently an AORA Consultant/Professional member, your fee will be the standard OEDA professional membership fee PLUS the Urban Renewal Committee membership fee, as outlined below.