OEDA News and Events

To help rural communities of Oregon improve access to broadband, Business Oregon is accepting proposals from communities for up to $500,000 in funding that can be used for planning, engineering, infrastructure, or as matching funds for rural broadban...

Business Oregon Strategic Plan

The Plan Maps Out Priorities, Strategies, and Actions for the State's Economic Development Agency   The new strategic plan identifies most pressing economic development challenges facing the state of Oregon, from both quantitative analysis a...

Oregon company at Thai show

Grants Available for Small Businesses to Export Goods Business Oregon’s global team is busy reviewing more than 70 applications for grants that support export promotion. Those grants have been submitted through the new online system, available fro...

OEDA is pleased to announce the creation of an Oregon Certified Economic Developer Program - a formal professional development program aimed at ensuring Oregon’s economic development professionals receive the most current and relevant training in t...

At the June 7, 2017 OEDA Board meeting, the OEDA Board voted in favor of finalizing the merger between the two organizations. AORA voted on this matter in the fall of 2016. The merger will be finalized in July 2017 and we are now invoicing for FY 201...

Caroline Cummings has served as the Venture Catalyst for the Oregon Regional Accelerator and Innovation Network (RAIN) since August 2015. In this role, Cummings provides outreach and support to rural communities within RAIN’s four-county network â...

OEDA Rural Economy

Oregon’s population stands at over four million but includes only 663,330 people living in rural places. Unfortunately, almost a decade after the last recession, many rural residents are still recovering. As of July 2017, the unemployment rate...

Milwaukie Food Carts

Choosing the right projects to catalyze downtown revitalization can vary greatly depending on the community size, location, and assets. Aside from detailed research and/or economic analysis (which should always be a part of any strategic planning eff...

The Oregon Economic Development Association has absorbed the Association of Oregon Redevelopment Agencies, retaining its name while inheriting new responsibilities. Portland, Oregon – The Oregon Economic Development Association (OEDA), a profess...