OEDA News and Events


Economic Development Recovery & Resiliency Cohort Program

UPDATE:  REGISTRATION CLOSES FEBRUARY 5! Start date will be determined shorty thereafter. OEDA is pleased to be partnering with Coraggio Group to provide a cohort-based recovery planning program intended for smaller public or non-profit community and economic development organizations (CEDOs).  As the COVID-19 pandemic has grown, it is increasingly evident that there won’t be a quick, sustained recovery instead, most communities are experiencing an uneven recovery with rolling waves of shutdowns alternating with periods that allow more economic activity. For any community to manage the uncertainty and emerge on the other side with a strong, completive economy, recovery planning is essential.

Participating CEDOs will work together with a cohort of similar organizations to foster collaborative learning through a series of facilitated online workshops. Each session will be facilitated via video, utilize interactive online tools, with a mix of large group and breakouts. Each CEDO will also be assigned a consultant coach who will be available to them between workshops to ensure they stay on track throughout the program and the planning process. Upon completion of the cohort program, each organization will walk away with an actionable and tactical Community Specific Recovery & Resiliency Plan, which will include unique strategies to pursue based on different recovery scenarios, as well as tools to monitor economic windsocks, form rapid response teams, and manage communication with key stakeholders and clients.

The six-week program will be led by several professionals experienced in economic development, including Chris Harder, former Agency Director of Business Oregon, past Economic Development Director at Prosper Portland, and former Director of Economic Analysis at the North Carolina Department of Commerce.

Program Overview:

  • Workshop 1: Kick Off & Evaluate (3 hours) – Coaching Session 1
  • Workshop 2: Prioritize (3 hours) – Coaching Session 2
  • Workshop 3: Activate (3 hours) – Coaching Session 3
  • Workshop 4: Lead (3 hours) – Coaching Session 4
  • Final Deliverable: Community Specific Recovery & Resiliency Plan
  • 60-day Check-In (2 hours)


Click here to download a more detailed overview of the cohort-based planning series and each workshop

Investment: $4,980
per participating CEDO (price includes attendance for up to 3 people per CEDO)


Questions? Ready to sign up?
Please email Coraggio at: hello@coraggiogroup.com

About Coraggio Group
Since 2005, our consultants have been helping leaders to envision their organization’s future, create exciting plans, and foster the agile teams and cultures they need to get there. We’ve collaborated to develop bold strategies, support big change initiatives and engage those whose voices needed to be a part of the conversation. Our dynamic Portland-based team brings an unusual blend leadership experience, business acumen and creativity to every project, helping our clients to take the big—and, often, courageous—leaps necessary to achieve their most ambitious goals.

Visit coraggiogroup.com to learn more about Coraggio Group.