Call for Session Proposals
Oregon Economic Development Association invites partners, stakeholders and member organizations to submit session proposals for the Nov. 8-10 virtual Oregon Economic Development Conference, Vibrant Community Economies. Conference sessions are an opportunity to present before Oregon’s statewide economic development community at our premier annual gathering.
We are seeking session proposals exploring all features of effective economic development – and what it takes to build vibrant, equitable community economies throughout the state. Emphasis on applied and case-informed insights and underrepresented voices. We want to hear from you!
Additional Opportunity: SPONSOR THIS CONFERENCE
Theme: Vibrant Community Economies. Content will feature applied work in key areas: diverse and resilient regional economies, strategies for equitable economic development and the role of economic development in creating access to opportunity.
Topics of Interest:
Evolving Economic Development | Workforce Issues | Traded Sector & Sector Development | Supply Chain | Regional Collaborations | Digital & Physical Infrastructure | Attraction & Place Marketing | Placemaking & Land Development | Local Commerce Programs | Tools, Incentive & Programs: TIF or Urban Renewal, Enterprise Zone Projects, etc | Effective Retention & Expansion | Small Business Support | Trade & Export | Entrepreneurship & Innovation Ecosystem Building | Rural Development | Public-Private Partnership
+ Any additional feature of economic development, economic response
Audience: The broad statewide economic development community from across Oregon. Includes EcDev professionals and local and state levels, regional EDOs, ports, utilities, chambers, SBDCs, and DMOs as well as partners in community development, workforce, entrepreneurship/innovation, business finance, and development services.
Attendee Estimate: Virtual delivery is expected to increase participation. Est. registration is 200-300.
Session Specs: Sessions are 55 mins long and delivered virtually via our virtual conference Platform Whova. Speakers may participate from anywhere. The Whova platform supports multimedia session delivery, robust speaker profiles, audience interaction, Q&A and recording. Non-keynote sessions typically incorporate 2-5 speakers, a dynamic slide deck and interactive Q&A/discussion portion.
Please have session organizer email (director[at] proposed session description (100-250 words), speakers, how session will address the thematic connections and affirmation that Session Organizer is comfortable with responsibilities listed below.
**If proposal includes a private sector partner, please indicate your willingness to pair your participation with an Event Sponsorship – we’re happy to highlight partner firms before this key audience and appreciate your support!
Proposals not selected for conference presenting can still be considered for independently-produced webinar sessions to the OEDA audience.
Session Organizer Responsibilities
Session organizer will curate and prepare session presentation and participating speakers and do final pre-session content checks and speaker confirmations. Session organizer will collect and submit all participating speaker bios & headshots. Session Organizer will work with OEDA and speakers to determine time from 2-3 options during Nov. 8-10. Session Organizer agrees to provide slide deck to conference staff and acknowledges sessions may be recorded.